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Education Programs

Learning how to operate a business is standard training you must engage in. But we want to take you even further.  We want you to move beyond “how to” and on to an intelligent journey.

To engage in an intelligent education experience, progressive proactive learning experiences are required. You may lead just one business or invest in several business ventures – no matter your choice intelligence, progression, and proactivity – to set these in motion – you must get to the CORE.

Our education approach, concept, and model lay the groundwork for getting to the CORE of your business. Instead of getting resources, support, and education from multiple places, you can get everything you need from one source…Effició!

Effició’s brand concept says it best, getting to the CORE of business.™ Our continued belief, and philosophy of getting to the CORE, is that to become profitable, cash-rich, and realize your ultimate vision, you have to get to the CORE (raw purpose and existence) of your person, your career, your skills, your lifestyle, and your business and evolve from that. Being able to dig down to the CORE starts with taking the time to do the right things right.

However, there’s so much more to discuss before you can effectively comprehend the full concept of getting to the CORE.

We begin your program with focused direction; you will learn how to implement strategic planning, systems and processes, marketing programs, and a cash flow engine with step-by-step instructions. We help you create, build, expand, grow, and ultimately perpetuate your TOTAL business. Your TOTAL business is broken down into six main blueprints that represent key functions of your business. The CORE result is a business that is perpetual, profitable, and sustainable. The tangible evidence is a fluid business infrastructure that evolves and expands as needed.

You may have already developed a vision and know the advantages of broadening your horizons to achieve key milestones along the way, therefore, you know that sustaining and maturing a business takes stamina, which from our viewpoint, requires a systematic digging process that guides your business on the road to perpetuity and profitability.

Transferable skill development supplies the brain of our education.

To excavate properly, you must dig efficiently, effectively, and vigorously. We have found, through research and experience, that each student’s progress as they go through the digging process described above, is based on a set of skills. When leading your business and cultivating your career, you must have the right tools. One of those tools is skills. Skills allow you to experience what you’re learning – putting knowledge into practice. Transferable skill development and the applied practice of skills will be your focus as a student with Effició.

Our education goals.

Aligning your knowledge, education, and skills with your business takes thinking and doing mindsets, we call this *transmogrification. Our education programming will provide you with a truly transmogrifying learning experience. Our education goals are to:

  • get your business financially healthy
  • help you master 10 transferable skills
  • align your strategy, systems, and marketing
  • increase your focus, stability, and composure
  • encourage you to engage in consistent innovation
  • set your education rhythm for perpetual success
  • show you how to create an extraordinary entrepreneurial career

Our education delivery.

Interactive Online Learning or what we call eLearning is used as our main education delivery model, and it allows us to provide the support you need to get immersed, fully engaged, and completely invested!

eLearning brings with it new dimensions to education, comes in many different formats, and covers topics from A to Z. We are taking advantage of these new ways of disseminating information and communicating the right tools and information:

  • We offer varying types of content on the most important entrepreneurial topics.
  • We create an interaction that increases retention and produces results if the action is taken by the learner.
  • We facilitate immediate solutions.
  • We offer all levels of eLearning catered to multi-model learning styles.

We support interaction with other e-learners through a private online support center called Efficio’s Education and Learning Portal.

Key benefits of our education.

Personal Invigoration – Our programming keeps you engaged, invigorated, and driven to succeed. We are learning in extraordinary times – from moments of opportunity to times of adversity, our red diamond model equips motivated leaders to guide their firms through any and every challenge.

Total Immersion – We offer learning and programming delivered via blended eLearning in multiple formats. This allows a distraction-free, immersed learning environment. It’s you, your cohort, and your strategist to put you in a state of full engagement.

Forward-thinking Instruction – Our instructional design is consistently recognized for excellence, the strength of our curriculum, and a unique approach that guarantees effective knowledge transfer – we focus on EXECUTION, not just knowledge and information.  You will leave with a full set of skills that you can use in your business immediately.

Immediate results – Accelerated training means faster mastery of SKILLS that allow you to implement the content presented.  Our students absorb the material quicker, retain it longer, and see an immediate return on investment (ROI) – and if they continue their development with us, most of them exceed their definition of success.

Breathing Knowledge – Our curriculum is always evolving. Looking forward, shifting through collaboration, aligning through discussion, evolving holistically. Every interaction is one-of-a-kind.

Needs are Met – We stand behind our program. Our guarantee means you can stop worrying about your investment and start focusing on “getting what you need.”

Ultimately, with Effició’s education, you’ll acquire:

  • The transferable business skills you need to function in your lead role effectively.
  • The knowledge you need to make the right business decisions.
  • The intellect you need to grow and evolve exponentially.

“We’re ready to support your pursuit of excellence & intellectual rigor.” 

We currently offer two education programs:


CORE10: Infrastructure and Systems Development

CORE10 provides continuing education for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals who choose entrepreneurship as their career. The 10-month curriculum, training, and advising takes you through a systematic process that will teach you (1) how to develop 13 CORE systems a small business needs, (2) how to integrate, implement, and execute a focused growth strategy, and (3) a strategic blueprint that will drive results in your business immediately—100 percent guaranteed!

Learn more on the CORE10 Education Program Page



CORE24: Strategic Partner + Credentials

CORE24 is a comprehensive education program for small firm CEOs, founders, and owners, that will help you move through the stages of business development more quickly and give you a solid support system you can rely on. The 24-month curriculum + credentials will catapult you from performing day-to-day business processes to becoming the visionary leader of your business; most importantly this program will help you gain increased efficiencies, increased profit margins, and increased business acumen to create a wealthy business and lifestyle.

Learn more on the CORE24 Education Program Page


Admission and Application Details

Applying for admission is available several times throughout the year. If you want to explore a detailed overview of our education access our CORE Seminar.

If have general questions, call 866-934-2673 ext. 701 or email core[at] to speak with one of our team members.

We’re ready to serve you with innovative technologies, creative strategies, and premier education that stay true to the Effició Brand: Getting to the CORE of Business.™

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