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The Misleading Minutia of the Day-to-Day Grind

When operating a business, we often dream of the executive lifestyle, long-lasting wealth, and building an aligned team. But it’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day tasks with little time for executive, strategic thinking.

If you’re ready to transition from the day-to-day grind to a strategic role that’s vision and innovation-focused, then let’s meet!

I’m Sherese Duncan, CEO and there’s so much I want to share!

When I first began seeking education to support my newfound career, entrepreneurship, I didn’t realize the need to customize my learning journey. There were many resources, tools, training, workshops, and seminars and I engaged with as many as I could afford. They were great and provided the basics and I achieved decent amounts of success.

My skills, however, did not increase or change. I had good skills and applied them well, but they were shifted vs. increased. I also didn’t acquire new skills. I acquired lots of knowledge, information, and understanding, plus I had an unstoppable drive to succeed. As my clientele grew, the need for infrastructure, skill sets, sustainable processes, and an executive team increased. Based on my background in business, I understand that money wasn’t my goal at this point, or a huge infusion of capital, I was generating significant cash flow. My first thought was, I need more training!

I immediately went back to my learning journey, and my knowledge acquisition process, but it wasn’t enough. Reading books, taking more seminars, joining masterminds, and hiring consultants, only took me so far. This is when I discovered what I needed. I needed CEO-level skills, access, and strategies. I managed my business well, but I wasn’t leading my business, nor was I on track to achieve the vision.

In my mind, I thought I was on track, but I was caught up in the minutia of the day-to-day grind.

The interesting part of my learning journey is that Effició provides education and learning. The very thing I needed. In 2001, our education and advisory programs began to take shape. Not only was I seeking education, but I was also creating a company that provides education to entrepreneurs and owners just like me. I knew this was going to be an amazing challenge.

Over the years, we’ve found that a lot of aggressive energetic entrepreneurs in business for themselves make the mistake of functioning as a self-employed person vs. a CEO who creates cash flow, jobs (for others), and businesses. And sometimes, they let FEAR dictate their success rate! The skills to be a good employee are not the same as those required to be the CEO, owner, or founder.

As a future executive student with Effició, I’m ready to show you how Effició’s students, clients, and team members are mobilizing their careers and excavating their red diamond businesses. Join us for the next CORE Seminar below.

Explore our program and join the network!

  1. Sign Up for the next CORE Seminar: Discover the full details of our innovative education program. Join our informative seminar and gain exclusive access to attendee-only benefits. Now available through our secure and private Education and Learning Portal (ELP). Join the next CORE Seminar here.
  2. Explore Our Program: Dive into the comprehensive overview of our 24-month Education Program at your own pace.

If you’ve already attended the CORE seminar, gain initial strategic action steps and executive-level skill development insights by scheduling a one-on-one executive briefing with me! Learn more about this complimentary tailored experience.

I look forward to meeting you!

Sherese Duncan CEO Efficio Inc

1 thought on “The Misleading Minutia of the Day-to-Day Grind”

  1. Hi Sherese, this is a great addition to the brand. I can relate to your story. I tend to focus on the tasks that keep me busy because I’m the most comfortable in that space. I have been working on strengthening my executive skills. It is hard to transition. Thanks for sharing and would love to know more about your journey! Ella

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